Our guides

All of our guides have been carefully selected and trained to keep you entertained as you explore the mysterious corners of Prague. Many of them are from different parts of the world, but they have one thing in common - a love for this city and a desire to share with you the exciting stories full of Czech folklore and history!

Pavel Krňák

My name is Pavel and I come from a small town in northern Bohemia. I’m a thirty-something teenager and one of the explanations for my appearance may be that I spent some time in Romania, living with vampires. I moved to Prague after university and started working as an English teacher. I live in the Old Town, so I’m a real local. I know every street, alley, and secret passage like the back of my hand. However, there is always something that surprises me about Prague and I love exploring this magical, unique city. I was looking for a new sparkle in my life and that is why I also enrolled in a tour guide studies to uncover even more from Prague’s amazing history and architecture. There is also plenty of nature to see around the city and being a true romantic at heart, I can give you a few tips for some really lovely spots and viewpoints around Prague. I always like to share my enthusiasm when I guide. I’m looking forward to meeting you on my tour!


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David Klopacz

Hi, I’m David. I’m from New Jersey, USA and I’ve been interested in the supernatural and paranormal since I was a kid. As time has gone by I have also developed a love for history and culture. I have been living in Prague for several years now. As the longest-serving tour guide in the company, I have experienced a lot on my tours over the years. I try to lighten up my tours with a little humor now and then but don’t worry, you certainly won’t lose any of the scary atmosphere with me. When I’m not catching ghosts, I’m an English teacher by day. Join me in the evening and let’s see what we can find!


Ghosts & Legends of Old Town

Allen Wertheim

Hi, I’m Allen, a native New Yorker transplanted to Prague. I am a chef by trade, but I have a great passion for showing visitors around this city. My first day here as a tourist was more than enough to convince me that Prague is the place I want to call home forever. I studied literature at university and love telling stories, so sharing Prague’s old tales is the best of all worlds – and there is so much here to tell. It is not just a beautiful city, it also has a rich and too-often overlooked history, with an atmosphere so vivid you can almost touch it. And it is a place that greatly rewards walking – the facades; the old, winding streets; and the historic “aura” of each neighborhood. So come take a walking tour with us – I’m looking forward to sharing my passion for this city with you!


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Alex Huskinson

Hi there. I’m Alex. I am originally from New Zealand where my fascination with the paranormal began. When I moved to England in 2009, I quickly became well-known for my public speaking and outgoing personality, where I was able to draw in a large crowd of people. Speaking in front of people really gets my blood pumping and when I was able to combine one passion with another, it was a match made in heaven. I had fallen in love with the history and architecture of Prague and so in 2020 (yes, during the pandemic), a window of opportunity opened for me to move here permanently and, as they say, the rest is history.


Ghosts & Legends of Old Town

Pasquale Nieddu

Dear visitors of Prague, my name is Pasquale and I grew up in Germany and moved to Prague a few years ago. From the very first day, I felt very connected to this city and its history. I quickly found out how much fun it is to guide friends and family through the city, showing them the most important places and telling them the best stories. I also love being outdoors, meeting new people and talking about “my” city. So it was only natural for me to become a tour guide. I welcome you to discover the city and its wonderful secrets with me!


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Martin Balciar

Hi, my name is Martin. I originally came to Prague for my high school studies, and after graduation, I decided to stay. Not only because I met new friends and started pursuing my further education, but also because I fell in love with the city itself. I’ve become very fond of losing my way in one of its many hidden alleys and corners. Climbing the steep hills to admire the breathtaking views has become a favorite pastime, as has exploring the city after dark, surrounded by its rich and mystical atmosphere. I love seeing people so taken aback when they see one of its wonders for the first time that all they can say is ”wow”. So join me as I show you the most magical corners of the city!


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Pavel Hrabánek

Hey there, I’m Pablo – a walking enigma at first glance, thanks to my unique blend of Czech and Peruvian roots. While my birthplace is the Czech Republic, my upbringing has been a global adventure. I’m a history enthusiast, a self-proclaimed nerd, and talking about history is my forte – I mean, who doesn’t love a good chat, right? Of all the places I’ve called home, Prague holds a special place in my heart. This enchanting city, steeped in history, is full of legends and untold stories. Join me on my tours, and let me unveil a few of these captivating tales for you.


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Deborah Lemke

Hello! I am Deborah, a passionate and well-traveled explorer from Germany. As a curious and open-minded person, I found myself drawn to studying in Prague. I am amazed by the city, the architecture and all the hidden stories and the lives that people have led here. On my tour I will guide you through Prague’s mystical past, inviting you to journey back in time along cobbled streets brimming with fascinating tales and legends. Join me to see a different part of this enchanting city and let’s uncover the mysteries on our tour together.



Ghosts & Legends of Old Town Alchemy & Mysteries of Prague Castle

Jennifer Korn

Hello, my name is Jennifer and I come from Essen, Germany. While I studied history and geography to become a teacher, I also worked as a Prague guide for a German tour operator. During that time I fell in love with this city: the river, the medieval houses, the castle, everything. So I decided to move to Prague. My passion is history and geography, and I love exploring the countryside. I enjoy seeing new places and meeting new people, especially from different cultures. I also love staying in Prague and discovering new and exciting places in this beautiful city! Come and explore with me the most mysterious parts of Prague.


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Martin Duhár

Greetings! I’m Martin, a Prague native born and bred. History has been my passion since childhood, and I’m currently pursuing a degree in history at the university. My journey took me to Japan, where I spent three enriching years immersed in a small international community. During this time, I developed a fondness for spending time with foreigners and improving my English skills, and now I’m eagerly awaiting the opportunity to share my knowledge with you from a native’s perspective. Join me on a journey through Prague’s past as I weave stories that provide a unique insight into the rich tapestry of our cultural heritage.


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Michaela Černá

Dear guests, my name is Michaela and I would like to welcome you to the beautiful city of Prague, also known as the Golden City of a Hundred Spires. I studied history in Switzerland with a focus on politics in Africa, as well as Eastern European history. Prague is where I belong, as it is such a historical city. Another great hobby of mine is traveling, I believe there is no better way to learn than by exploring new places and meeting new people along the way. New worlds, new cultures. So let’s go and discover this great city together!


Ghosts & Legends of Old Town

Sara Alić-Ekinović

Oh, good, you have stumbled upon the mystical experience you have been looking for. My name is Sara, and I would love for you to experience Prague’s history through a lens unlike any before. These tales, never taught in conventional history classes, breathe life into the city’s cobblestone streets – a life as full of raw truths and unpredictable twists as the stories themselves. I was captivated by them upon my first visit to Prague a few years ago. They drew me in, and thus, I decided to linger here for a while. Are you brave enough to wander these winding streets with me as your guide?


Ghosts & Legends of Old Town

Anna Kubálková

Hello! I’m Anna. Born and raised in the Czech Republic, specifically in the Central Bohemia region, it has always been a goal of mine to eventually move to Prague and pursue my studies – so here I am! I fell in love with Prague as a little kid, and my feelings never waned, even after visiting many other local and foreign cities. I still cherish this one the most. I strongly believe it’s one of those places you just never get tired of, mainly because of the beautiful old-timey and mystical aura that surrounds it. The legends and Prague’s rich history truly keep this atmosphere alive, and I’m always excited to learn more and talk about both. As a future teacher, one of my greatest passions is relaying information in the most interesting and entertaining way possible, and I really hope to accomplish that during the tours as well!


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Luka Škorić

Beloved brothers and sisters, my name is Luka. With Balkan roots, I was born in Prague of all places. Although I plan to travel extensively in my life, the magic of my hometown is so captivating that I can’t seem to leave, and it still blows me away – other places just don’t measure up. Besides being a mystic, I am also an audio engineer and a freelance pastor. My passion for the hidden world and my own ”paranormal” experiences have led me to share this unusual information with others, with the ambition of meeting more like-minded individuals. I’m adventurous, loving and also very strange. Looking forward to meeting you on my tour!


Ghosts & Legends of Old Town

Nela Kozáková

Howdy, my name is Neli, and I come from the fabled city itself – Prague. I have a great interest in history and storytelling, and these two areas are something I am always trying to blend as best as I can. Amidst that, I have found that when in search of true, authentic history, it is best to follow word of mouth. Be it legends, folk tales, inscriptions on walls or old letters, it is not a bad idea to ask the souls who lived in the past what their lives and worlds were like. If I could, I’d of course have a go at time travel, but until I figure that one out, wandering the mystical streets of Prague is a very dignified alternative. If you take your time, you just might find that the walls and cobbled streets do speak to you, and tell you all sorts of stories. That is if you’re willing to listen.


Ghosts & Legends of Old Town

Martina Herková

Dear ghost hunters from all over the world! I’m Martina, I was born in Slovakia, in the town of Bojnice, known for its magnificent castle and international ghost festival. Growing up surrounded by legends and history, I could not have made a better choice than to move to Prague. My adventurous heart and soul have been enjoying this incredible city for over a decade. I will proudly help you immerse yourself in Prague’s spooky stories and am thrilled to introduce you to some of Prague’s most prominent spirits. Ready to feel a ghostly presence? Then let’s g(h)oooo!!!


Ghosts & Legends of Old Town

Ana Nežmah

Dear travelers, my name is Ana and I moved to Prague from a small town in Slovenia a few years ago. You might wonder why? After my first visit, I couldn’t stop coming back. Prague’s small narrow streets, picturesque bridges, colorful parks, captivating galleries, and renowned theatres captured my heart, as did the legends and stories scattered throughout its many hidden corners. These are the places I love revisiting, and I invite you to join me on a journey through some of them. Let’s uncover its secrets together and create unforgettable memories!


Ghosts & Legends of Old Town

Sören Hans Moberg

My name is Sören and I have been calling this beautiful city my home for almost three years. I grew up in an area, where a lot of the tales of the Grimm brothers are said to have taken place. Needless to say, mysterious stories and the paranormal have always fascinated me. So of course I feel very much at home in Prague – as the Golden City is not only home to numerous mysterious stories and legends, but also one of the most haunted cities in Europe.


Ghosts & Legends of Old Town